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EventFlow is a basic CQRS+ES framework designed to be easy to use.

Have a look at our getting started guide, the do’s and don’ts, and the FAQ.

  • The source code is available on GitHub and provided under the MIT license.
  • To engage with the community, please join our Discord server.


  • Easy to use: Designed with sensible defaults and implementations that make it easy to create an example application
  • Highly configurable and extendable: EventFlow uses interfaces for every part of its core, making it easy to replace or extend existing features with custom implementations.
  • No use of threads or background workers
  • MIT licensed: Easy to understand and use license for enterprise


Documentation is still in progress for v1

If you have any suggestions for the documentation, even if it's just a typo, please create an issue or a pull request. Improvements to the documentation are always welcome.

Useful links for updating the documentation: